
Who is Eligible?

California residents enrolled in grades 8 through 12 are eligible to apply to CSSSA. Students from outside of California may also apply; a limited number are admitted each year. Participants are selected in the spring on the basis of their talent and creativity as demonstrated through discipline-specific assignments submitted as part of their online application.

Who Attends?

CSSSA attracts a diverse and talented group of students from California and beyond, each bringing their unique passion and creativity. CSSSA welcomes 500 students to the program each summer. The student body is representative of the ethnic and socioeconomic diversity of the state of California. The student demographics below represent our 2024 enrollment and is subject to change year to year.

Department Size by Attendance

(percentage of total enrollment)

Grade Level

(at the time of application submission)

8th grade: 2%

9th grade: 12%

10th grade: 33%

11th grade: 40%

12th grade: 13%

Overall Student to Instructor Ratio 3:1

Overall Acceptance Rate:

Race & Ethnicity

Asian: 31%

Hispanic / Latino: 27%

White: 24%

Two or More / Other: 10%

Black / African American: 5%

American Indian / Alaska Native: 1%

Native Hawaiian / Pacific Islander: <1%

Unspecified: 3%


Male 24%
Female 65%
Trans and Non-binary 11%

Financial Aid

In 2024, nearly 60% of our student body received either a full or partial scholarship to attend CSSSA.


/ How to Apply
/ Tuition & Fees
/ Financial Aid